I’m Currently Reading
Just Kids, by Patti Smith
Re-reading The Light That Shines Through Infinity
In the Time of Great Fires, by Alison Luterman
I Recommend
The Light That Shines Through Infinity
Your Resonant Self
A Light in the World
Writing Down the Bones
Bird by Bird
A Path With Heart
The Wise Heart
When Things Fall Apart
The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise
It can be helpful to receive hands-on bodywork during active psychotherapy, to support resourcing and tracking of emotion and history. Please consider the following list of practitioners:
Janet Evergreen — Classes in Craniosacral, Vagus system, Zapchen, meditation training, retreats. Private practice sessions for class participants.
Jackie Emm — Craniosacral therapy to integrate trauma and restore balance
Kirby Moore — Cransiosacral, Vagus, Massage, Pre and perinatal trauma
Zakira Beasley — Craniosacral, Vagus, and Pre and perinatal trauma. 434-960-5656
Denise Dodds— Craniosacral, Massage, Pre and Perinatal trauma
Jessica Baraff — Massage
Todd Parker — Trauma processing, Craniosacral, Somatic Experiencing, Massage
Lynsie McKeown — Yoga Coaching, Dharma Coaching, Life Coaching