Group Process

This is a general psychotherapy group, drawing on the power of group dynamics to provide support, challenge, holding of emotion, process of personal issues, and practice relating in openness. It is a rolling group with a limit of seven participants, 90 minutes in length.

Mindfulness for Psychotherapy

Establishing a mindfulness practice can be very helpful to making progress in psychotherapy. This group is open to everyone, and serves as both a friendly introduction to practice, as well as a support for ongoing practitioners of all levels. You will learn and practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, with some exploration of the traditional practices of Anapanasati and Jhana.

The Sacred No: Meeting Anger

A group curriculum for anger management that is centered on mindfulness and somatic self regulation.

(This group is not currently running in person, but an online form of it that meets court requirements will be available soon. Please contact me for more information.)

Survivors of Sexual Abuse

This group offers support for the ongoing issues related to relationships, trauma processing, and mood struggles that often accompany those who have survived sexual abuse.

(This group is currently forming. Please contact me if you have interest.)